Tell me if this sounds familiar. Earlier this month, my family and I went to a restaurant for dinner. It was warm and sunny ...
Our Favorite Dollar Store Finds
Almost everyone has a dollar store in their neighborhood, and if you've shopped in one, you've probably noticed that ...
Designer Catbox Review
We share our house with two cats, and I can’t imagine a house without pets. What I don’t enjoy about cats though is the ...
Get Organized With the Savvycents Wallet
Today I’m excited to tell you about a product I’ve been using every day since I got it! I was contacted by Savvycents ...
Sherri Shepherd’s Permission Slips Review
I have a book review for you today. All of you will love this one, but since lots of my readers are also fans of ...
Thanks Real Simple for Naming MomsWhoSave a Top Five Twitter Account
Just a quick post to say thank you to Real Simple magazine! Their April, 2010 issue is their tenth anniversary issue, and I ...
MomsWhoSave is a Brand Ambassador for The View!
I have big news today! I've been chosen to be a brand ambassador for The View! I know lots of ...
Beach Weekend at the Ocean Isle Inn
I enter a few of the giveaways I see online, and amazingly, I won one of them! I was lucky enough to win a two-day stay ...
Disclosure Policy
FTC disclosure statementThis blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of ...