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Earth Day is almost here. What is Earth Day? It’s an annual event celebrated on April 22nd when activities are held in the United States and around the world to show support for environmental protection.
It began in 1970, and today more than 193 countries celebrate Earth Day as a way to bring attention to environmental causes.
It’s the perfect time to get creative with your kids while celebrating our beautiful planet. So today, we’re diving into some fun and easy Earth Day crafts and activities that not only spark imagination but also instill a love for nature and sustainability in our little ones.
Roll up your sleeves, and let’s check out these 15 fun Earth Day activities that will help your kids learn about Earth Day and the importance of taking care of our planet.
Earth Day Activities for Kids
- Earth Day Science Activity Sensory Play
- Beach Scavenger Hunt Printable
- DIY Bird Feeder – Earth Day Craft Sticks Craft for Kids
- Earth Day Paper Plate Craft
- Ocean-Themed Games (7 Free Activities & Printables)
- How To Make Seed Bombs
- Earth Day Discovery Bottles
- Easy Flower & Insect Puppets (Use Our Templates With Popsicle Sticks)
- Earth Day Equivalent Fraction
- Ocean Sand Sensory Bin
- Earth Day Nature Walk with Field Journal
- Homemade Earth Crayons
- Icy Ocean Sensory Bin And Ice Melt
- Lego Soil Layers Activity
- Paper Plate Earth Shaving Cream Craft
Also read:
7 At-Home Activities to Teach Kids About Sustainability
Beach Scavenger Hunt Printable
Ocean-Themed Games (7 Free Activities & Printables)
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