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Last updated on January 5th, 2023 at 09:31 pm
We all want to keep our little ones happy and healthy, and most of us believe that our kids are perfectly safe when playing with toys specifically made for children. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Here’s a quick guide to toy safety with information every parent should keep in mind.
When we purchase toys and gifts for our children, we buy them because we believe they’re safe, that they’ve been rigorously tested, and that we can rest assured our kids will enjoy them.
However, despite our assumption that because they’re available to buy, all children’s toys are perfectly safe, many don’t promote safety at all, and in some cases can result in injury and even death–a terrifying thought for any parent.
If you search for toy-related injury statistics, the figures may actually shock you. From toys containing metal to toys being classified as choking hazards, the potential risk associated with many toys on the market is distressing, to say the least. So, are your kids’ toys safe? Read on to discover which toys can be dangerous for children.
A Quick Guide to Toy Safety
Ride-on toys
Ride-on toys can be terrific for kids. They provide fun and exercise indoors and outdoors, get children moving their bodies, and help to engage and spark their imaginations.
Sadly, many ride-on toys prove to be dangerous. Most injuries or fatalities are the result of a lack of supervision from the parents, or children riding into roads and oncoming traffic.
The best and safest option here is to only allow your child to play on a ride-on toy in an environment that is enclosed, away from roads, and only when you can supervise them directly.
Small parts
We’re all familiar with the signage that reads – Danger! Small parts! Which is why anything that has what appears to be small parts (whether indicated on the packaging or not) shouldn’t be given to any child under three years old.
Children and babies are naturally curious, and putting things in their mouths is one way they like to satisfy that curiosity. This can and does lead to choking, a terrifying scenario for any parent. Pay close attention to the warning labels, and use common sense.
Magnets are lots of fun and can be interesting and educational. Sadly, if a child were to ingest a magnet, they’re likely to require emergency medical attention and could even die.
This is why anything with a magnet, even if that magnet is seemingly attached to something else on the toy, should not be given to any child who is under 13.
They’re fun, they’re colorful, and you can’t picture a birthday party without them. However, balloons can be incredibly dangerous, with some children choking, suffocating, and even becoming asphyxiated (by the string) by balloons. Inflated balloons without a string are safer.
However, deflated balloon should not be played with by any child under eight years old as there’s the possibility to suck them into their mouths when attempting to blow them up. This can easily cause them to choke.
Toys that shoot things
Of course, if your child is firing something soft or something made of foam you many believe that it’s perfectly safe. However, if your child were to shoot even something soft at close range into their own eye or someone else’s, then you may think differently.
These types of toys should always be used according to the age guidelines listed on the packaging and only with close adult supervision.
Learn more about toy safety
Want to know more? Visit safekids.org to find out more about toy safety, get tips, learn how to childproof your home, buy the right toys for your child’s age and skill level, and check on toy recalls.
Parents, Here's Your Quick Guide to Toy Safety | #toys #parenting Share on XIf you liked this Guide to Toy Safety, also read:
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