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Last updated on July 13th, 2023 at 01:52 am
Debt Relief Canada provided this content.
There are so many ways to save money as a mom, whether you stay at home or work full-time. Below, Debt Relief Canada shares their budget tips and top 10 ways to save money. Keep reading to learn more.
Failing to budget correctly can often land families in future financial trouble, leading them to seek the help of experts on consumer proposals, money management techniques, and more.
With the following smart money tips, you can start saving and avoid the financial pitfalls so many people fall into. The key is to start small. If you have big dreams, like saving up enough to take a trip or buy a home, that’s great. Work toward your goal gradually, so you don’t feel overwhelmed and give up completely before you reach your savings goal.
Top 10 Ways to Save Money
Set a Budget
When we think about the best ways to save money, we have to start with making a budget. Make sure to set a weekly allowance for your various expenses. If you’re not exactly sure how much you should be spending on food, cleaning products, bills etc., take a look at how much you actually spend by looking at your bills and/or bank statements. Makes cuts where you can, for example, you probably don’t need cable television plus multiple streaming services.
You can also use the cash envelope system for your household as a whole or for each family member. Many people find it’s a great way to keep from overspending. Find out more about the cash envelope system here.
Save Money on Groceries
Instead of going out grocery shopping every few days, go every week or every other week. Plan your meals for the month or every two weeks to avoid having to pick up take-out or make last-minute trips to the store when you’re more likely to overspend.
You’ll save even more if you plan meals around your grocery store’s sales. If you combine coupons or savings app offers with sales, the savings really add up!
And, remember, you don’t need to be brand loyal. Most store brands today are just as good as the name brands you’re used to.
Don’t Shop Hungry
Shopping when you’re hungry can lead to impulse buys and a lot of wasted money. Make sure you have eaten before going to the grocery store or shopping mall. This will help keep your spending in check!
Only Buy What You Need
Don’t be fooled into thinking that if something is on sale, it’s a good deal. Just because something is discounted doesn’t mean you should buy it. Remember that just because an item is marked down doesn’t mean it’s really worth what you are paying.
Pack Lunches for Work and School
You can save a lot of cash by packing your own lunch. It’s cheaper and you won’t be tempted to eat out. Plus, it’s healthier too!
When I pack my daughter’s lunch, I make sure it has four food groups represented. A fruit or vegetable, dairy product, protein source, and either whole wheat breads or crackers.
Eat Out Less Often
This is one of the biggest way to save money. We all enjoy an occasional meal out, but making meals at home saves a ton of cash! If you don’t enjoy cooking or coming up with dinner ideas, start meal planning, take turns cooking with others in your household–even get the kids involved.
You can also try meal kits. They make cooking at home so much easier!
Top 10 Ways to Save Money: You Can Start Today | #personalfinance #money Share on XBuy Used Items
Buying clothing for kids can be really expensive, but if you start shopping second-hand stores and garage sales, you’ll find plenty of cute clothes that your kids will love. And, children’s clothing often gets outgrown before it gets much wear, so it will still look great. This is a terrific way to get brand name items at a fraction of the cost.
You can also sell or consign your children’s outgrown clothing and toys at resale shops. It’s an easy way to recycle clothing.
Shop at Discount Stores
When it’s time to make a major purchase, such as furniture or appliances, shop the big box stores, and don’t forget to check the “scratch and dent” items. You can save a lot just by doing this one simple thing! Don’t forget to check for rebates on appliances too.
Buy in Bulk
Buying in bulk is a great way to save money. It’s often (but not always) cheaper per unit, and it means you’ll be sure to have what you need on hand.
Plus, some stores offer rewards programs so if you buy a certain amount throughout the month, the savings can add up even more.
Install a Budgeting App
Finally, if you need some help tracking your spending and saving, download a budgeting app. With just a few swipes and taps, you’ll be able to track all of your expenses, and discover where most of your money is going. Many apps even connect directly to your bank account so they automatically keep tabs on your spending and saving.
We all know that raising a family is expensive. Luckily, there are many ways you can save money as a mom and still provide your kids with the things they need to grow up happy and healthy. Our top 10 ways to save money are just a start to get you on the path to growing your savings. Do you have more ways to save money you’d like to share? Leave a comment below.
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