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Last updated on January 12th, 2020 at 08:07 pm
Disclosure: MomsWhoSave is an ambassador for The Feeling Buddies for Families Toolkit. As always, all opinions are my own. See full disclosure policy here.
From the time my son was very little, he had extra “big” emotions. We used to say that whatever he felt, whether it was anger, frustration, or happiness, it was multiplied times 1,000. When he was happy or excited, it was wonderful, but when he was sad or angry, it was awful for us and for him! And as parents, how my husband and I reacted had, and still has, the potential to calm things down or make things worse.
Big emotions can be overwhelming for little ones, and once they get into school, they can even get into trouble if their emotions are out of control. Self-regulation is something we can help our children develop, and something we need to learn ourselves, so we can be better parents. That’s why I’m so happy to be working with Conscious Discipline® and Dr. Becky Bailey. She has been working with children, teachers, and parents in the school setting on these issues for years.
Now, Conscious Discipline has put together some amazing resources parents and children can use at home. I am just diving into The Feeling Buddies for Families Toolkit, and I am incredibly impressed so far. I have some experience with these issues, and everything in the toolkit is research-based, but probably more importantly to you as a parent, it just makes sense. I think you’ll see that it will work too. The key is patience and consistentcy.
Feeling Buddies for Families Self-Regulation Toolkit -- Helping #Kids Handle Big Feelings @ConsciousD #FB4F #ad Share on XHead over to The Feeling Buddies for Families Toolkit to learn more about Dr. Bailey and see how the program works. Before you introduce it to your child, learn about it yourself. The website is easy to navigate, and when you order your materials, they are just as straight-forward. There are even online video coaching sessions.
If your child struggles with big emotions at home, in daycare, or at school, or you’d like a more peaceful home, I encourage you to check out The Feeling Buddies for Families Toolkit. You’ll start your child, and your whole family, on the path to healthy emotional control. It’s a skill that can benefit your child and family for a lifetime!
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